PPE and Safety

Never should you underestimate how something as small as popping in a couple ear buds or reaching for a dust mask when making a cut with your circular saw can have such a huge long term affect on your overall health.

I am no expert but days when I used to neglect to wear my mask when sanding or cutting used to leave me coughing in the evening and that can’t be a good thing.

PPE doesnt have to be expensive but it does, in my opinion, have to become part of your routine. Everything shown below is what I use on a regular basis for everything you see me make in my videos.

There are a lot of alternatives out there so please use these as a starting point to build on. The fact you are considering safety is great. You are worth it.

A Mask for cutting, sanding, routing and more. I use this for everything but fume releasing jobs like finishing. I have a different one for that. This one is comfortable and once fitted doesn’t mist up my glasses. Bonus.

My go to for routing mainly but I have also found it very good to wear with my die grinder. It gives me confidence with tools I am learning to use.

Having a mask specifically for fumes given off by finishes in particular is essential in my opinion. It can also help with using a laser.

Cheap and Simple. Go for the more fancy ones if you need the extra functionality but have some of these on hand around all the noise equipment.

All UK links are for products that I have used. US links are the closest I can find. They are recommendations made from my experience, yours may differ.

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