Contact Mark at Start Making

Business Enquiries

For all sponsorship, collaboration or other business enquiries please correspond only via the Gmail link below. Please include all details of the offer and what is expected in return. So that I can full understand the potential deal and decide if it is inline with my channel and most importantly my viewers. They always come first.

Personal Enquiries

I take pride in reading every comment on every video and at the time of writing this I have replied to all of them, even the ones who tell me I dont know what I am doing. In some cases they are not wrong.

But sometimes the comment section is not the best place for someone who has watched a video to ask more in depth question and/or offer more detailed feedback and advice.

For this reason I ask people to click on the email link below and reach out to me directly. I am a one person team in this so I do ask for a little patience while I respond, but I will respond.

Instagram is still a little bit of a secondary output at the moment but if you follow there, you will be in place for when I finally figure out how to use it.

For collaborations and sponsorship please use email so that I can communicate directly with you to discuss your product or service.