My name is Mark. My channel is ‘Start Making’.

First - A Bit About Me

I didn't get into woodworking with the aim to start up a channel or a website aimed at beginner woodworkers. But now I am here I could not be more pleased. I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Originally I was just a guy in a shed making anything I could manage with what little wood I could find.

My Theory about Woodworking

No two people are the same and in the same vein, no two woodworkers are either. We all benefit from this wonderful, peaceful and frustrating hobby/pastime/career in infinitely different ways.

But the one thing that I do believe we all have in common is the desire to create something that we can be proud of. What that something is, isn’t all that important.

My first ‘something’ was a simple phone stand made from recycled floor boards. Rest assured it was nothing to write home about. But it was a ‘something’ none the less. And its creation gave me satisfaction and a sense of achievement that only making a ‘something’ can. It was followed by a few more ‘somethings’. The improvements were small and I needed guidance. So I went on a search.

I found Youtube!

Not as a content creator but as a sponge. I spend hours soaking up as much woodworking knowledge as I could find. And there was a lot. I found tools, reviews, builds, tuition, inspiration, awe and so much more. I was hooked. But unbeknownst to me a seed was planted. And this website and the channel are the fruit that it has born.

Im not trying to reinvent the wheel. There are many channels just like mine. All I can hope to do is to create videos that inspire and a website that is packed with information to help anyone looking to get into woodworking.

As an aside, the most unexpected and wonderful surprise that all of this has brought with it is the community that has formed around the channel. Check out the comments on every video. So much feedback, support and knowledge shared.

If you have read just this far please feel free to explore the pages and videos and become part of ‘Start Making’ too. You are very welcome here.

Highlighted Video

Tool Of The Month

Turn your circular saw into a mini mitre saw. Or at least manage to get square cuts with it on certain sized stock. This is the best beginner jig I bought.